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category: Literary Criticism
published: May 2014
publisher: Athabasca University Press

The Letters of Vincent van Gogh

A Critical Study

by Patrick Grant

tagged: comparative literature

Vincent van Gogh’s letters are frequently admired for their exceptional literary quality, but there is no extended critique of this aspect of his writing. Addressing key constellations of metaphors and ideas, The Letters of Vincent van Gogh shows the remarkable imaginative coherence underlying the painter’s correspondence and charts van Gogh’s evolving conception of himself as an artist. 

About the Author
Patrick Grant, professor emeritus of English at the University of Victoria, is best known for his studies on literature and religion. He is the author, most recently, of Imperfection and of Literature, Rhetoric, and Violence in Northern Ireland, 1968-98.
Contributor Notes

A mature scholar and established literary critic, Patrick Grant is professor emeritus of English at the University of Victoria. He is the author of Imperfection (nominated for the Canada Prize), Literature, Rhetoric, and Violence in Northern Ireland, and Personalism and the Politics of Culture among other works.


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