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also available: Paperback
category: Philosophy
published: Nov 1991
publisher: House of Anansi Press Inc

The Malaise of Modernity

by Charles Taylor

tagged: ethics & moral philosophy, free will & determinism, civilization

In Malaise of Modernity, Charles Taylor focuses on the key modern concept of self-fulfillment, often attacked as the central support of what Christopher Lasch has called the culture of narcissism. To Taylor, self-fulfillment, although often expressed in self-centered ways, isn't necessarily a rejection of traditional values and social commitment; it also reflects something authentic and valuable in modern culture. Only by distinguishing what is good in this modern striving from what is socially and politically dangerous, Taylor says, can our age be made to deliver its promise.

About the Author
Charles Taylor est professeur émérite de science politique et de philosophie à l?Université McGill. Reconnu comme l?un des philosophes les plus éminents de notre époque, il a écrit de nombreux ouvrages, dont Les Sources du moi (Boréal, 1998) et L?Âge séculier (Boréal, 2011). Il a reçu, en 2007, le prestigieux prix Templeton, qui récompense une contribution décisive à la recherche spirituelle.

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