The Sisters Brothers meets Master and Commander in Robert Hough’s rollicking and raucous new historical novel.
The year is 1664, and Benny Wand, a young thief and board game hustler, is arrested in London for illegal gaming. Deported to the city of Port Royal, Jamaica, known as “the wickedest city on earth,” Wand is forced by his depleted circumstances to join a raid on the Spanish city of Villahermosa. The mission is a perilous success, and Wand attracts the attention of the mission’s leader, an up-and-coming Welsh seaman, Captain Henry Morgan, whose raids on Spanish strongholds are funded by the British government.
While embarking on a campaign in the Caribbean, Wand and Morgan develop an unlikely friendship through a shared love of chess. As Morgan is corrupted by his increasingly sordid attacks on Spanish cities, he slowly becomes Wand’s greatest enemy. To defeat his former ally, Wand embarks on a strategic battle of wits and must help Morgan in the most savage and unexpected way possible. This is blistering and bawdy storytelling at its best.
A gifted, natural storyteller…The Man Who Saved Henry Morgan is Hough’s most amiable book, its prose moving along like a perfectly rigged sloop-of-war.
Hough is noted for meticulous research…a well-told story
…Hough’s latest is a genuine pleasure to read, and to be taken in by.
Robert Hough’s novels reveal a capacity for carefully researched forays into strikingly esoteric areas… The deft conjuring of this world…is the novel’s greatest strength.
…a novel packed with rip-roaring adventure…
Bawdy and irresistible, this is an adventure you don’t want to miss.