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list price: $14.99
category: Social Science
published: Dec 2015
publisher: Demeter Press

The Mother-Blame Game

edited by Vanessa Reimer & Sarah Sahagian

tagged: women's studies

The Mother-Blame Game is an interdisciplinary and intersectional examination of the phenomenon of mother-blame in the twenty-first century. As the socioeconomic and cultural expectations of what constitutes “good motherhood” grow continually narrow and exclusionary, mothers are demonized and stigmatized—perhaps now more than ever—for all that is perceived to go “wrong” in their children’s lives. This anthology brings together creative and scholarly contributions from feminist academics and activists alike to provide a dynamic study of the many varied ways in which mothers are blamed and shamed for their maternal practice. Importantly, it also considers how mothers resist these ideologies by engaging in empowered and feminist mothering practices, as well as by publicly challenging patriarchal discourses of “good motherhood.”

About the Authors
Vanessa Reimer is a PhD candidate in the Graduate Program in Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies at York University, Toronto, Canada. Her research interests include feminist studies in religion, girlhood sexuality, and mothering.

Vanessa Reimer is a PhD candidate in the Graduate Program in Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies at York University, Toronto, Canada. Her research interests include feminist studies in religion, girlhood sexuality, and mothering.

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