New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $9.95
category: Children's Fiction
published: Mar 2014
publisher: Thistledown Press

The Mystery of the Mad Science Teacher

by Marty Chan

tagged: mysteries & detective stories

When Trina’s bicycle is stolen, Marty and Remi gear up to solve the case. Once they start their investigation they are both stunned that the evidence leads them to the doorstep of their new elementary school teacher. Mr E proves to be quite resourceful as an opponent, and the new girl at school, Ida, seemingly foils their attempts to catch the school thief. When Marty discovers that he and Remi share the same feelings toward Trina, things get complicated as they try to find out who she likes. For Marty, friendship, loyalty, and trust suddenly seem less straightforward when the mystery of girls is involved.

The sequel to The Mystery of the Frozen Brains, winner of the 2005 Edmonton Book Prize, and The Mystery of the Graffiti Ghoul, which was nominated for the 2007 Arthur Ellis Award.

About the Author

Marty Chan

Auteur à succès, Marty Chan a écrit des dizaines de livres pour enfants, dont Kung Fu Master, Willpower et Kylie the Magnificent publiés chez Orca dans la collection Currents, ainsi que la série primée Mystery. Lors de ses tournées dans les écoles et les bibliothèques du Canada, Marty fait appel au récit, à des tours de magie et à l’improvisation pour éveiller la passion de la lecture chez les jeunes. Il vit à Edmonton.

Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
9 to 12
4 to 7

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