New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $19
also available: eBook
category: Fiction
published: Sep 2012
publisher: Turnstone Press

The Only Man in the World

by Faith Johnston

tagged: literary

Heather York is trying to find balance in her life. Sure, her son Jeff is every parent's dream, but Winn, headstrong and independent, makes being a single mom a real struggle. When a guilty conscience calls Heather to the side of her dying uncle, wheels are set in motion that will change her life forever. The Only Man in the World is an understated story of what it means to be a woman and how to live a life of integrity and grace amid the changing fortunes of love.

About the Author

Faith Johnston

Originally from Shoal Lake, Manitoba, Faith Johnston is a Winnipeg writer and former Ottawa teacher. Her work has been published in Dropped Threads 2, The New Quarterly, Prairie Fire, Other Voices, and A Room of One's Own. Her first book, A Great Restlessness looked at the life of Dorise Nielsen and was received with much acclaim. The Last Man in the World is her first novel.

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