New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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also available: Paperback
category: Education
published: Feb 2005
publisher: House of Anansi Press Inc

The Rivers North of the Future

by David Cayley, foreword by Charles Taylor

tagged: philosophy & social aspects, educators, political

In The Rivers North of the Future David Cayley has compiled Ivan Illich's moving and insightful thoughts concerning the fate of the Christian Gospel.

Illich's view, which could be summed up as the corruption of the best is the worst, is that Jesus' call to love more abundantly became the basis for new forms of power in the hands of those who organized and administered this New Testament. Illich also explores the invention of technology, the road from hospitality to the hospital, the criminalization of sin, the church as the template of the modern state, and the death of nature. Illich's analysis of contemporary society as a congealed and corrupted Christianity is both a bold historical hypothesis and a call to believers to re-invent the Christian church.

With a foreword by Charles Taylor.

Ivan Illich (1926-2002) was a brilliant polymath, an iconoclastic thinker, and a prolific writer. He was a priest, vice-rector of a university, founder of the Centre for Intercultural Documentation in Cuernavaca, Mexico, and author of numerous books, including Deschooling Society, Tools for Conviviality, Energy and Equity, and Medical Nemesis.

About the Authors

David Cayley

DAVID CAYLEY works as a writer-broadcaster for CBC Radio\s Ideas. '

Charles Taylor est professeur émérite de science politique et de philosophie à l?Université McGill. Reconnu comme l?un des philosophes les plus éminents de notre époque, il a écrit de nombreux ouvrages, dont Les Sources du moi (Boréal, 1998) et L?Âge séculier (Boréal, 2011). Il a reçu, en 2007, le prestigieux prix Templeton, qui récompense une contribution décisive à la recherche spirituelle.

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