This heartwarming and often hilarious play tells the story of Ernie and George, an estranged father and son who are reunited when a debilitating stroke leaves Ernie with a speech disorder and memory loss. While George is undeniably hurt and betrayed by the man who abandoned him as a child, Ernie can't remember his words, or where he lives. Together they must find a way to make sense of their past and their future through fractured memories and muddled language.
Rick Chafe is the author of Beowulf, Shakespeare's Dog (adapted from Leon Rooke's Governor General's Literary Award-winning novel), The Odyssey, Strike! The Musical, co-written with Danny Schur, and Zac and Speth. He is also a dramaturge, television story consultant and writer, and has taught playwriting to students from elementary to university level. Rick is a Siminovitch Prize nominee and recipient of the Manitoba Arts Council 2011 Mayor Arts Award for his upcoming play, NOLA, a story of two actors and a jazz trio. He lives in Winnipeg with his wife and daughter.