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category: Fiction
published: Apr 2011
publisher: Cormorant Books

The Tattoo

by Pan Bouyoucas

tagged: literary

When Zoe's two best friends suggest they get matching tattoos, she agrees. Inexplicably, her tattoo comes out bigger and prettier, and her friends accuse her of disloyalty. Abandoned and alone, Zoe must discover why her tattoo, which began as a small rose, is mysteriously spreading over her body like a living rose bush. She travels the world in a desperate search for a way to remove the aberration on her skin; instead of help, however, she finds worshippers and admirers, all of whom wish to use her for their own ends. Pulled in multiple directions, Zoe must decide if her roses will stop global warming, rewrite history, break the glass ceiling, or restore peace in West Africa. The Tattoo is a fast-paced adventure about the blessings and curses of the unexpected, and how circumstances can move unlikely individuals to change the world.

About the Author

Pan Bouyoucas is a Montreal prize-winning writer, playwright, and translator whose novels and plays have been translated into several languages. Two of his novels were written originally in English: The Man Who Wanted to Drink Up the Sea, which was selected by France’s FNAC as one of the 12 best novels of 2005, and The Tattoo, which was longlisted for the 2012 Re-Lit Award.

Contributor Notes

Pan Bouyoucas is a Greek-Canadian writer, playwright, and translator. Two of his works have been shortlisted for the Governor General's Literary Award: L'Autre in 2001 and Thse et le Minotaure in 2003. His book The Man Who Wanted to Drink Up the Sea has been translated into French, Russian, and Serbian.

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