New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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category: Political Science
published: Oct 2006
publisher: Between the Lines

The Ursula Franklin Reader

Pacifism as a Map

by Ursula Franklin, introduction by Michelle Swenarchuk

tagged: peace, feminism & feminist theory

Feminist, educator, Quaker, and physicist, Ursula Franklin has long been considered one of Canada’s foremost advocates and practitioners of pacifism. The Ursula Franklin Reader: Pacifism as a Map is a comprehensive collection of her work, and demonstrates subtle, yet critical, linkages across a range of subjects: the pursuit of peace and social justice, theology, feminism, environmental protection, education, government, and citizen activism. This thoughtful collection, drawn from more than four decades of research and teaching, brings readers into an intimate discussion with Franklin, and makes a passionate case for how to build a society centered around peace.

About the Authors

Ursula Franklin

Ursula M. Franklin is an experimental physicist, a University Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto, and a companion of the Order of Canada.

Michelle Swenarchuk is a lawyer and writer, and the Executive Director of the Canadian Environmental Law Association.

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