New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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also available: Paperback
category: Fiction
published: Jul 2012
publisher: Cormorant Books

The Whirling Girl

by Barbara Lambert

tagged: literary, contemporary women

When botanical artist Clare Livingstone unexpectedly inherits her uncle’s property in Tuscany, she travels to Italy to learn why, despite their long estrangement and complicated past, she was chosen to maintain his legacy.


The hill town of Cortona, however, won’t give up its secrets easily. Clare is immediately plunged into intrigue. Two men pursue her, but with agendas of their own; neighbours try to delve into the story of her past; and unscrupulous archaeologists are drawn to her property in search of buried Etruscan artefacts. Once again forced to negotiate between desire and history – in a balance as fragile as the orchids she illustrates for science – Clare realizes she cannot escape her life of deception until she finally confronts the truth she has kept buried so long.

About the Author

Barbara Lambert was awarded The Malahat Review's Novella Prize for A Message for Mr. Lazarus in 1996. Her story "The Queen of Saxony" was a CBC Competition finalist and a Journey Prize nominee. She has been published in several Canadian literary magazines and divides her time between North Vancouver and Penticton, BC. She is the author of The Allegra Series .

Editorial Reviews

“Should appeal to a wide audience—including those who seek sustained and detailed prose, those interested in a suspense plot surrounding social intrigue, or those inquisitive about philosophical problems … will push you to re-examine its various levels of meaning and above all to take pleasure in the beauty that emerges from this process of excavation.”

— Winnipeg Review

"Sexy and sophisticated, The Whirling Girl is a fairytale for grown-ups. The hero, rich and besotted, lives in a castle; the setting, golden Tuscany, is bewitching; the adventure, a search for buried Etruscan treasure, is exhilarating. But it's the sly, wry heroine - lovely and messy and flawed and true - who provides the real enchantment, undermining our expectations and exceeding them at the same time."

— Annabel Lyon, author of <i>The Golden Mean</i>

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