New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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category: Fiction
published: Feb 2008
publisher: Cormorant Books

The Worlds Within Her

by Neil Bissoondath

tagged: historical, literary

Set in both the Caribbean and Canada, The Worlds Within Her joins politics and love as Yasmin recollects her life in the 40s and 50s. Alternating between Yasmin and her mother Shakti, their worlds and dreams collide to release deeply buried secrets.

About the Author

Neil Bissoondath

Born in Trinidad, Neil Bissoondath has lived in Canada for more than thirty years. He is the author of six works of fiction and a controversial work of nonfiction entitled Selling Illusions: The Cult of Multiculturalism in Canada. He has received the Canadian Authors Association Fiction Award and the Hugh MacLennan Prize for Fiction. His work has been short listed for the Governor General's Award, the Guardian Fiction Award (UK), and the Prix Femina Étranger (France). He teaches creative writing at Université Laval in Quebec City.

Né à Trinidad, Neil Bissoondath vit au Canada depuis plus de 30 ans. Il est l’auteur de six œuvres de fiction et d’un essai controversé intitulé Le marché aux illusions : la méprise du multiculturalisme au Canada (traduction de Selling Illusions: The Cult of Multiculturalism in Canada). Il a remporté le Canadian Authors Association Fiction Award et le prix Hugh MacLellan remis à la meilleure œuvre de fiction. Ses ouvrages ont été finalistes au Prix du gouverneur général, au Guardian Fiction Award (Royaume-Uni) et au prix Fémina étranger (France). Il est professeur en création littéraire à l’Université Laval, à Québec.

Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
Reading age:
16 to 18
  • Short-listed, Governor General’s Literary Award for Fiction
Editorial Reviews

“A multilayered journey from darkness to light…rich in character as well as emotion.”

— The Hamilton Spectator

“Powerful and stylistically rich … His best book yet … Yasmin, in her attempts to blend the very different worlds within her into a satisfying sense of self, is as good a symbol of this country as we could ask for.”

— Montreal Gazette

“Heart-wrenching … with a searing intensity and a powerful sensitivity that sweeps aside the politics of identity and lays bare the painful and beautiful human condition.”

— Vancouver Sun

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