New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $12.99
also available: Paperback
category: Drama
published: Apr 2014
publisher: Playwrights Canada Press

This Is What Happens Next

by Daniel MacIvor

tagged: canadian

Most people hope for happy endings. For Warren, a gay divorcee, that means getting his stuff back; most importantly, his cherished John Denver CD. And then there's Warren's assortment of friends: Susan, a Percocet-fuelled divorce lawyer whose daughters are giving her a hard time; Tarot-reading Aaron, who is dating Susan and who secretly used to be known as Erin; Mike, an alcoholic who sometimes sees his son on Saturdays; and Kevin, Mike's kid who has an imaginary friend. Observing and directing all of their lives is the human will—or Will, as he prefers to be called—who doesn't quite believe in those happy endings. This Is What Happens Next is an intensely relatable, multi-character story that explores the anguish of addiction and divorce as it delves into the fundamentals of human desire and asks the philosophical question, "What happens next?"

About the Author

Daniel MacIvor

Born in Sydney, Cape Breton in 1962, Daniel MacIvor studied theatre at Dalhousie University in Halifax and George Brown College in Toronto. A prolific playwright, dynamic performer, producer, and artistic director, MacIvor has been creating original Canadian theatre since 1986 when he founded the highly acclaimed theatre company da da kamera, which has won a Chalmers Award for Innovation in Theatre (1998). MacIvor is also a successful filmmaker. His projects include the award winning short film The Fairy Who Didn’t Want to Be a Fairy Anymore. His first feature film, Past Perfect (produced by Camelia Frieberg), premiered at the 2002 Toronto International Film Festival and was released in theatres across Canada in March and April of 2003. He also adapted his Governor General’s Award-nominated stage play, Marion Bridge, for the screen (directed by Wiebke von Carolsfeld), for which he won the Best Screenplay Award at the 2002 Atlantic Film Festival. Talonbooks published his play Cul-de-sac in 2005.
Contributor Notes

Daniel MacIvor is one of Canada's most accomplished playwrights and performers. Winner of the prestigious Elinore and Lou Siminovitch Prize, the GLAAD Award, the Governor General's Literary Award, and many others, Daniel's plays have been met with acclaim throughout North America.

Editorial Reviews

"Like an expert juggler, [MacIvor] never drops a narrative ball." —Glenn Sumi, NOW Magazine

"…filled with false starts and even falser endings that will keep you guessing till the last second." —Richard Ouzounian, Toronto Star

"With This Is What Happens Next, MacIvor reminds us why he is a master storyteller." —Wayne Leung, Mooney on Theatre

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