New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $34.99
also available: Paperback
category: Social Science
published: May 2011
publisher: Athabasca University Press
imprint: AU Press

Through Feminist Eyes

Essays on Canadian Women’s History

by Joan Sangster

tagged: women's studies, post-confederation (1867-), labor & industrial relations

Through Feminist Eyes gathers in one volume the most incisive and insightful essays written to date by the distinguished Canadian historian Joan Sangster. To the original essays, Sangster has added reflective introductory discussions that situate her earlier work in the context of developing theory and debate. Sangster has also supplied an introduction to the collection in which she reflects on the themes and theoretical orientations that have shaped the writing of women's history over the past thirty years.

Approaching her subject matter from an array of interpretive frameworks that engage questions of gender, class, colonialism, politics, and labour, Sangster explores the lived experience of women in a variety of specific historical settings. In so doing, she sheds new light on issues that have sparked much debate among feminist historians and offers a thoughtful overview of the evolution of women's history in Canada.

About the Author
Joan Sangster is a Vanier Professor Emeritus at Trent University.
Contributor Notes

Joan Sangster is a professor of women's studies and history at Trent University, where she also teaches at the Frost Centre for Canadian Studies and Native Studies. Her most recent books are Girl Trouble: Female 'Delinquency' in English Canada and Transforming Labour: Women and Work in Postwar Canada.

Editorial Review

“Sangster does an extraordinary job of situating her work within the literature of women's history and politics and engages with theoretical debates in feminist ideologies since its first emergence in academia. She goes beyond a historical examination of gender and women's history by interweaving her own experiences and challenges as a feminist academic conducting research in the field for over thirty years. This text is a vital contribution to the scholarship of Canadian women's history.”

— Marlene Mendonça
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