New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $9.99
also available: Hardcover Paperback
category: Children's Fiction
published: Jul 2011
publisher: Formac Publishing Company Limited

Toby's Best Friend

by Jean Lemieux, illustrated by Sophie Casson, translated by Sarah Cummins

tagged: dogs, chapter books, friendship

Toby is tired of being told everything is for his own good. When his parents get him the dog he's always wanted, they won't let the dog sleep in his room --- for the dog's own good! The next morning, Toby and his friends make a snow fort and a tunnel and a special place for the puppy. When they are back in their houses, the plows come by, eating up the snow banks, but where is Toby's puppy?

About the Authors

Jean Lemieux

JEAN LEMIEUX is a doctor, as well as an author of many popular and award-winning children's books. After working for many years on the Magdalen Islands, he now resides in Quebec.

Sophie Casson a illustré plus de vingt-cinq livres, dont The Artist and Me de Shane Peacock, finaliste du Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award, et Helen’s Birds de Sara Cassidy, sélectionné dans la collection Silent Book d’IBBY Canada. Des œuvres de Sophie reproduites dans plusieurs publications – dont le Globe and Mail, le New York Times, le Financial Times, le Los Angeles Times et Nature – ont été également primées. Sophie habite à Montréal.

Sophie Casson a illustré plus de vingt-cinq livres, dont The Artist and Me de Shane Peacock, finaliste du Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award, et Helen’s Birds de Sara Cassidy, sélectionné dans la collection Silent Book d’IBBY Canada. Des œuvres de Sophie reproduites dans plusieurs publications – dont le Globe and Mail, le New York Times, le Financial Times, le Los Angeles Times et Nature – ont été également primées. Sophie habite à Montréal.

Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
6 to 9
2 to 5
Reading age:
6 to 9

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