New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $14.00
also available: Hardcover Paperback
category: Nature
published: Sep 2004
publisher: Greystone Books Ltd


A Life Story

by David Suzuki, illustrated by Robert Bateman

tagged: environmental conservation & protection, trees


""Only God can make a tree,"" wrote Joyce Kilmer in one of the most celebrated of poems. In Tree: A Life Story, authors David Suzuki and Wayne Grady extend that celebration in a ""biography"" of this extraordinary -- and extraordinarily important -- organism. A story that spans a millennium and includes a cast of millions but focuses on a single tree, a Douglas fir, Tree describes in poetic detail the organism's modest origins that begin with a dramatic burst of millions of microscopic grains of pollen. The authors recount the amazing characteristics of the species, how they reproduce and how they receive from and offer nourishment to generations of other plants and animals. The tree's pivotal role in making life possible for the creatures around it -- including human beings -- is lovingly explored. The richly detailed text and Robert Bateman's original art pay tribute to this ubiquitous organism that is too often taken for granted.

Published in partnership with the David Suzuki Foundation


About the Authors

David Suzuki

Robert Bateman is an award-winning, internationally admired naturalist painter. He has lived on Saltspring Island, BC, since 1985. His artistic interest in the natural world is mirrored in his support for a variety of environmental causes and in 1998 the US National Audubon Society named him one of the 20th century's 100 Champions of Conservation. He collaborated with his son Christopher Bateman on the cover of Return of the Osprey.

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