New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $9.99
also available: Paperback
category: Biography & Autobiography
published: Mar 2010
publisher: The University of Alberta Press
imprint: University of Alberta Press

Under the Holy Lake

A Memoir of Eastern Bhutan

by Ken Haigh

tagged: educators, adventure

A child’s face, a forgotten scent, or a distinctive flavour engages memory and inspires longing. Ken Haigh brings us tantalizingly close to his own vision of longing for a place, a people, a time, as he revisits those all-too-fleeting years as a young school teacher in the remote Himalayan village of Khaling, Bhutan. These experiences in an exotic country will leave you yearning for ancient Buddhist temples, winding mountain trails, and a simpler way of life. This memoir will captivate the vicarious traveller in each of us.

About the Author

Ken Haigh

Happiest when reading or hiking, Ken Haigh has written one other travel memoir, Under the Holy Lake: A Memoir of Eastern Bhutan (UAlberta Press). He has worked as a teacher and librarian and lives in Clarksburg, Ontario.

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