New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $39.95
also available: Paperback eBook
category: Social Science
published: Apr 2000
publisher: University of Calgary Press

Understanding Stone Tools and Archaeological Sites

by Brian P. Kooyman

tagged: archaeology

Understanding Stone Tools and Archaeological Sites is a valuable volume of investigative archaeology focuses on stone tools, the artifacts produced by these tools, and the revealing debris left behind at sites where they were produced. The majority of study sites discussed are in western North America, including Alberta's own Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, a World Heritage Site.

Suitable for both the scholar and the interested layperson, provides a comprehensive study in archaeological lithic analysis. This concise, "hands-on" guide to practical exploration at stone tool sites will become required reading for those pursuing studies of any sort in prehistoric lithic artifacts. The inclusion of maps, illustrations, and photographs broadens the reader's understanding of deriving meaning and relevance in the study of stone tool technology.

About the Author

Brian P. Kooyman

Brian Kooyman, a professor of archaeology at the University of Calgary, is well used to translating his extensive knowledge into material easily accessible to students of all levels, and this makes Understanding Stone Tools and Archaeological Sites such an important educational volume.
  • Runner-up, Alberta Book Awards, Scholarly Book of the Year
  • Winner, "Choice" Award for Outstanding Academic Titles
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