New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $18.95
category: Fiction
published: Jun 2011
publisher: Douglas & McIntyre

Visions of Jude

A Novel

by Daniel Poliquin, translated by Wayne Grady

tagged: literary

"If it's possible to prejudge Jude on the merits of Obomsawin, the translation of the new novel is something to anticipate." -- Globe and Mail

Daniel Poliquin's third novel is a multifaceted portrait of one of the most complex characters in Canadian fiction: Jude the arctic explorer, Jude the great seducer, Jude the quintessential heroic figure. Projected through the eyes of four women who have known and loved him, Jude appears first as a man of incredible intellectual and professional accomplishments, but gradually emerges as a human being driven by internal anguish and emotional weakness. Through this towering character, Poliquin explores the reailty that underlies the Canadian myth of the land, the haunting emptiness behind the facade: Jude the eternal wanderer, Jude the tortured soul, and in the end, Jude the vanished hero.

Visions of Jude, in its French edition, was the winner of the prestigious Grand Prix du Roman du Journal de Montreal, the Le Droit Literacy Award and the Ottawa-Carleton Literary Award.

This is a new release of the book published in June 1992.

About the Authors
Daniel Poliquin is one of Canada’s leading francophone writers. The author of nearly a dozen books in French, mainly novels and short story collections, he holds Master’s degrees in both German and Comparative Literature, and a doctorate in French Literature. The award-winning author is also a Chevalier in the Ordre de la Pleiade, a recipient of the Queen’s Jubilee Medal, and a Member of the Order of Canada. In 2006, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Ottawa. All of Poliquin’s novels have been translated into English and the author is a noted literary translator himself, who has translated many important books into French, including works by Mordecai Richler, Jack Kerouac, W.O. Mitchell, Matt Cohen, and Douglas Glover. Daniel Poliquin lives in Ottawa, where he works as a parliamentary interpreter.

Wayne Grady is an award-winning author and translator. He won the Governor General's Award for his translation of Antonine Maillet's On the Eighth Day.

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