New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $22.95
category: Literary Collections
published: Sep 2010
publisher: Caitlin Press

Walk Myself Home

An Anthology to End Violence Against Women

edited by Andrea Routley

tagged: women authors, canadian

There is an epidemic of violence against women in Canada and the world. For many women physical and sexual assault, or the threat of such violence, is a daily reality. Walk Myself Home is an anthology of poetry, fiction, nonfiction and oral interviews on the subject of violence against women including contributions by Kate Braid, Yasuko Thanh and Susan Musgrave. Walk Myself Home began as a small idea: to create a chapbook and sell it at the next LoudSpeaker Festival. The response was overwhelming. This small idea found a chorus of voices, and its sound was too big for a chapbook.

About the Author
Andrea Routley

Andrea Routley

Contributor Notes

Andrea Routley is the co-founder of Victoria's LoudSpeaker Festival, a festival of music, theatre and poetry in celebration of International Women's Day. Walk Myself Home is her first anthology.

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