New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $4.49
category: Fiction
published: Feb 2011
publisher: Books We Love Ltd.

Winter Fire, Canadian Edition

by Kathy Fischer-Brown, adapted by Catherine Brown

tagged: westerns, western, historical

When Ethan Caine pulled the unconscious woman from the half-frozen creek, he had no idea that his world was about to explode. Dressed in quilled doeskin of Iroquois design, she stirred up dark secrets from his past. At the same time, she was everything he desired. But she was more Indian than white, and on the run for murder. He needed to know the truth. He needed to find it within himself to trust her. Banished by the Seneca Indians who had adopted and raised her, ostracized by the whites in the settlement, Zara Grey wanted only to be accepted. “Ethancaine” treated her with kindness and concern. It was easy to trust him. But her Indian ways disturbed him, and her heart she would always be Seneca.

About the Authors

Kathy Fischer-Brown

Claiming her best ideas are born of dreams, Kathy has written a number of stories over the years. Her first published novel, Winter Fire, a 1998 Golden Heart finalist in historical romance, was reissued in 2010 by Books We Love, Ltd., which also released Lord Esterleigh’s Daughter, Courting the Devil, and The Partisan’s Wife.

Catherine Brown

Claiming her best ideas are born of dreams, Kathy has written a number of stories over the years. Her first published novel, Winter Fire, a 1998 Golden Heart finalist in historical romance, was reissued in 2010 by Books We Love, Ltd., which also released Lord Esterleigh’s Daughter, Courting the Devil, and The Partisan’s Wife.
Editorial Review

Unique tale of a white child captured by the Iroquois in 18th century America, only to be ostracized by them in young adulthood. On the run, she is saved by a white man who carries a burden of guilt and shame from his past. Together they search for redemption and survival while pushing against the force of their love. Good historical detail of life on the frontier and finely drawn characters.

— Arletta Dawdy

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