New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $16.95
also available: Paperback
category: Poetry
published: Apr 2007
publisher: House of Anansi Press Inc


by Dennis Lee

tagged: canadian

A stunning collection of poetry by one of our most beloved and renowned poets, Yesno is a companion volume to the much-praised Un (Anansi, 2003), and continues Dennis Lee's urgent poetic project, which is to grapple with the question of the earth's and humankind's future. But where the earlier book concentrated on the deadly impasse to which we humans have brought the planet, Yesno is lighter and more playful, canvassing the possibility of hope. It explores an ethic of yesno, simultaneously embracing pessimism and hope. In the author's own words: "Before I began Yesno, I thought it would be a pendulum swing from Un, moving from bleakness to hope. But the poems kept misfiring, sounding forced. Eventually, I realized the task was more complex. Namely, to articulate a world in which the demolition derby and the possibility of living more constructively in the natural order are both real. And at once. So, not just no; not just yes; but yesno."

About the Author

Dennis Lee

DENNIS LEE is Toronto’s first Poet Laureate, an Officer of the Order of Canada and the author of timeless children’s collections such as Alligator Pie, Garbage Delight, Jelly Belly, Bubblegum Delicious and The Ice Cream Store. He has received many honours for his body of work, including the Vicky Metcalf Award for Children’s Literature. He is also an acclaimed writer of poetry for adults. His work is anthologized and read around the world.

Contributor Notes

Dennis Lee is the author of more than twenty books, including Civil Elegies, which won the Governor General's Literary Award, and Alligator Pie, the children's classic. Among many other honours, he was Toronto's first poet laureate from 2001 to 2004.

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