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Survival Stories

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by Vicki Grant
also available: Hardcover Audiobook Paperback
tagged : humorous stories, survival stories, hi-lo
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Clearly, any field trip involving manure is not right for a bunch of fourteen-year-olds.

But manure wasn't even the worst part of the stupid field trip.

The worst part was that the farmer grows pigs. And pigs are also called hogs. And there's this poor guy in our class called Dan Hogg who everybody hated.

I don't know why exactly. Maybe it was his hair. Or his teeth. Or his glasses. Or the fact that he answered Mr. Benvie's questions as if he might actually have a brain. Usually he just tried to sort of disappear, but it never worked. Idiots like Shane Coolen or Tyler March wouldn't take their eyes off him. They wouldn't shut up about him. They wouldn't quit laughing at him.

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Racing for Diamonds

Racing for Diamonds

by Anita Daher
tagged : polar regions, friendship, survival stories
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Run Marco, Run

Run Marco, Run

by Norma Charles
also available: Paperback
tagged : violence, survival stories, caribbean & latin america
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Smuggler's Cave

Smuggler's Cave

by Sonya Spreen Bates, illustrated by Kasia Charko
also available: Paperback
tagged : survival stories, boats, ships & underwater craft, siblings
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The boat was pushed closer to the cliff with each surge of the sea. Jake glanced back and saw the entrance to the cave a short distance away. Each time a wave hit, water rushed into the hole, like storm water down a drain. Then it was sucked out again as the wave receded.
"Jake! Look out!" said Tommy, standing up and pointing.
Jake saw the cliff loom up in front of him.
"Hold on!" he shouted.

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Spoiled Rotten

Spoiled Rotten

by Dayle Campbell Gaetz
also available: Paperback
tagged : stepfamilies, survival stories, hi-lo
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I landed heavily on the rough wood of the dock. Somehow I tripped over the rope in my hand and fell sideways. But I never let go of that rope. I scrambled to my feet and eased the boat against the dock. Dad stepped off to tie the stern rope while I tied the bow. I waited for him to say, "Nice work," or "Well done," or maybe, "Sorry I yelled at you," but he didn't even look my way. He patted the pockets of his shorts. "Anyone seen my wallet?" he asked.
Amy appeared from nowhere. "I'll get it, Dad," she said and disappeared into the cabin.
I stared after her. Dad? Since when was he her dad? This kid wanted everything that was mine.

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by Rachel Dunstan Muller
tagged : extreme sports, survival stories, siblings
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Everything hinges on my next decision. Do I trust the bush with my weight? It feels secure from here, but I can't be sure it will hold me if I step off the ledge. I'm more than two stories up, above a solid stone floor. If I fall now, it's goodbye Byron.

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The Drop

The Drop

by Jeff Ross
tagged : survival stories, winter sports, hi-lo
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I caught an edge as I was about to pivot around a very large tree. I stumbled, righted myself and dug in hard on the back edge of my board, trying to turn. I wasn't really thinking about anything more than not hitting that tree.
The tree near Dead Man's Drop.

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The Freedom Thief

The Freedom Thief

by Mikki Sadil
tagged : survival stories, civil war period (1850-1877)
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