
"I don't know," Peggy said. She pointed to a spot where a section of sandbags had fallen over and left a gap. "Those sandbags don't look like they could stop much."
She glanced up at the sun, which was getting lower in the sky.
"I've got to get home to help with milking," she said.
"Me too," said Tom. There was never a holiday from milking.
Reluctantly, Tom turned away from the widening brown river. If there were a flood, what would the Lone Ranger do?

Why did everyone keep asking me how I felt? How did they expect me to feel? I felt rotten. I felt worried. I felt scared.
Scared about her falling and hurting herself.
And very very scared about what my friends would say when they found out what was going on.
How did I feel? What a dumb question.