
"She's locked in," he says, his eyes wide. "She's hypnotized. I did it. She's down there with this totally serene look on her face. It's unbelievable."
I'm not hungry anymore.
I bolt downstairs. I have never seen my sister look serene before.
I stop in my tracks when I see her. She's sitting on a chair in the middle of our basement. Her back is straight. Her eyes are closed. Her face is passive, relaxed, devoid of all emotion--meaning, in her case, devoid of anger.
I see nothing evil about her for the first time in my entire life.

Twigs whipped at Jake's face. Roots leaped up to trip him. He couldn't breath. He glanced back, and a huge shadow lunged out from behind a tree.
"Faster, Tommy!" he yelled.
A boulder appeared in front of him. Jake leaped over it. He dodged around a couple of spruce trees and then plowed through some bushes. The blood pounded in his ears. He didn't care which way he went. He had to get away!

Blueberry cheeks, blueberry chin
Blueberry teeth, blueberry grin
Blueberry fingers, blueberry nose
Blueberry lips, blueberry toes
Yummy! Tasty!
More blueberries!