Humorous Stories

One hamster wants to play
Two hamsters shout hurray
Three hamsters with a pear
Four hamsters in the air

"Hey, Jack! Are you going to see the little bird hatch?"
"That's what I wanted to do, but my car broke down."
"No problem. Hop on my motorcycle."
"You're going, too?"
"Of course!"
"Look! Everyone's going..."
"It's all anyone is talking about!"

I stripped down to my tighty-whities, and Hammy slammed the hotdog over my head before I could change my mind.

"Mosquitos? Scorpions? Rattlesnakes? Maybe even rabid grizzly bears? I can hardly wait."
"Drop the sarcasm, Callie. Gerry sais the bugs aren't bad this summer. Now go pack. It's a long drive and we need to get started."
I sighed again. Like it or not, I was going camping. Cold nights, snoring mothers, bloodthirsty mosquitoes, stinky outhouses and all. Not to mention
having to listen to my cousin go on and on about her horse. Or her 4-H projects.
But there was nothing I could do. I had to go. Sighing again, I picked up my suitcase and went in the house.

"She's locked in," he says, his eyes wide. "She's hypnotized. I did it. She's down there with this totally serene look on her face. It's unbelievable."
I'm not hungry anymore.
I bolt downstairs. I have never seen my sister look serene before.
I stop in my tracks when I see her. She's sitting on a chair in the middle of our basement. Her back is straight. Her eyes are closed. Her face is passive, relaxed, devoid of all emotion--meaning, in her case, devoid of anger.
I see nothing evil about her for the first time in my entire life.

My mom would kill me if she knew I was this close to the flooding creek, but I was desperate.
I heard footsteps crunching on the gravel path. My heart pounded. I was about to be caught doing the dumbest thing I had ever done. Well, maybe not the dumbest. There was that whole slime-mold experiment last summer. We couldn't use our bathtub for a month.
I made one last grab for my hat.