New ebooks From Canadian Indies

Mysteries & Detective Stories

Showing 49-56 of 88 books
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Razor's Edge

Razor's Edge

by Nikki Tate
also available: Paperback
tagged : equestrian, mysteries & detective stories, non-classifiable
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I noticed a few cockroaches crawling near Jason's skates. He stepped on one of them, popping it like a cherry tomato. Bug juice sprayed.
A single cockroach dropped from the shoulder pads and landed between his skates.

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Rebel Glory

Rebel Glory

by Sigmund Brouwer
also available: Paperback
tagged : hockey, mysteries & detective stories, non-classifiable
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The crowd kept roaring, and Jason now had his shoulder pads off. A single cockroach dropped from the shoulder pads and landed between his skates.
Jason threw the shoulder pads and, without waiting for them to land, peeled off his torn black T-shirt.
I nearly lost the hamburgers I had eaten a couple hours earlier. At least three cockroaches were crawling on Jason's belly, their antennas quivering in all directions.

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Scarlet Thunder

Scarlet Thunder

by Sigmund Brouwer
tagged : mysteries & detective stories, non-classifiable, motor sports
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In a quick movement, he filled my viewfinder completely. Before I could figure out what had happened, he had grabbed me by the shoulders. He pulled a ballpoint pen from his pocket and stuck the sharp end of it against my throat.
It hurt. Bad. I wondered if I was bleeding. If he pushed any harder, the pen could burst through my windpipe.
He continued, still sounding oddly casual, "Like I said. When I take this kid's camera and walk out of here with the videocassette, there is definitely nothing you can prove."

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Seven Clues

Seven Clues

by Kathy Stinson
also available: Paperback
tagged : mysteries & detective stories
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Shadows on the Train

Shadows on the Train

by Melanie Jackson
tagged : mysteries & detective stories, humorous stories, railroads & trains
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by Jacqueline Pearce
also available: Paperback Hardcover
tagged : mysteries & detective stories, non-classifiable
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Slam Dunk

Slam Dunk

by Kate Jaimet
tagged : basketball, mysteries & detective stories, non-classifiable
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It was Mike and me on the fast break, two-on-one against a skins' defenseman. I was closing in on the top of the key, with the defenseman stuck to me like glue, when I saw Mike. He was wide open at the bottom of the key and calling for the ball. One sharp pass to Mike and we'd clinch the win. But then I heard Coach Donovan's voice in my head: Whatcha got, kid? Whatcha got? And I thought: I'll show you what I've got.

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by Eric Walters
also available: Audiobook Paperback
tagged : europe, mysteries & detective stories
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