
The whole thing started in my bowl,
when I sat down to lunch.
I love zoo crackers in my soup,
so I threw in a bunch.
They floated in my noodle soup.
My bowl looked like a zoo.
And then I heard them calling me,
"Hey, you there, Soozy Q.!"

They scrambled through branches and followed the sound.
Then will said, "It's coming from under that mound."
And that's when they saw it—a dark open hollow.
They stopped in their tracks and took a big swallow.
"A cave," Wally whispered. "We can't go in there."
And Will said, "It could be a den for a bear."
They heard Fitzhugh howling from somewhere inside.
And Cecil was tempted to run off and hide.

I saw two hippopotami,
when they were peeking water-high.
One hippo seemed a friendly guy,
but not for very long!