New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $9.99
also available: Paperback
category: Fiction
published: May 2013
publisher: Invisible Publishing


by Anna Quon

tagged: urban life, literary

Low is a novel about family, identity, illness, love and loss. Lyrical, personal prose draws readers into the world of Adriana Song. We feel our way through Low with her as she navigates lopsided friendships, failed romances and tries to to weather the storm that is her life.

“An empathetic coming-of-age story about the redemptive power of love.”Globe and Mail

“Low is a genuine and gentle novel about family, identity, and the road to recovery.”Quill & Quire

About the Author

Anna Quon

Based in Halifax, Anna Quon is a poet, novelist and maker of short animated films. She describes herself as “middle-aged, mixed-race and mad.” Her novels include Migration Songs, Low, and Where the Silver River Ends (all published by Invisible Publishing).

Editorial Review

“Low is a genuine and gentle novel about family, identity, and the road to recovery.”Quill & Quire

“An empathetic coming-of-age story about the redemptive power of love.”Globe and Mail

— Reviewers

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