- mental health (21)
- addiction (9)
- counseling (5)
- reference (5)
- adolescent (4)
- caregiving (4)
- depression (4)
- mood disorders (4)
- post-traumatic stress disorder (ptsd) (4)
- women's studies (4)
- child & adolescent (3)
- education & training (3)
- geriatrics (3)
- human services (3)
- alcoholism (2)
- anxieties & phobias (2)
- bereavement (2)
- bipolar disorder (2)
- breastfeeding (2)
- children with special needs (2)
Le premier épisode psychotique
Un premier épisode de psychose est une expérience déstabilisante et effrayante, tant pour la personne qui la vit que pour sa famille et ses amis. Et quand les proches ne comprennent pas ce qui se passe et ignorent ce qu’ils devraient faire, cela n’arrange pas les choses. Ce petit guide décrit les causes de la psychose, ses symptômes et ses …
Managing Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drug Problems
Advice and treatment by physicians and nurses can substantially reduce substance use and its associated disease and health care costs, yet physicians are often hampered by lack of training and knowledge in this area.
Managing Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Problems: A Pocket Guide for Physicians and Nurses is a quick reference for the busy physicia …
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a severe and debilitating anxiety disorder that affects one person in 40. It affects not only how people feel or think, but also how they behave. OCD symptoms -- such as compulsive hoarding or handwashing -- often evoke uncomfortable emotions in family and friends.
This guide discusses:
- what OCD is and what c …
La toxicomanie
Rédigé par des conseillers professionnels, ce guide concis et facile à lire s’adresse aux personnes aux prises avec des problèmes liés à l’alcool et à d’autres drogues ainsi qu’à leur famille. Il fournit des renseignements sur :
- ce que représente la toxicomanie ;
- les causes de la toxicomanie ;
- le traitement de la toxicomanie et …
Les troubles concomitants de toxicomanie et de santé mentale
Les personnes qui ont un problème de santé mentale risquent davantage de connaître des problèmes d’alcoolisme ou de toxicomanie, tout comme les personnes qui présentent des problèmes d’alcoolisme ou de toxicomanie risquent davantage d’avoir un problème de santé mentale. Le guide décrit :
* les symptômes et les causes des troubles c …
Becoming Trauma Informed
Most people accessing mental health and addiction services have experienced trauma. For those working in community services, treatment agencies and hospitals, providing "trauma-informed care" requires an understanding of the effects of trauma, and of how to create programs, spaces and policies that place priority on trauma survivors' safety, choice …
First Episode Psychosis
A first episode of psychosis is confusing and frightening for those who experience it, and for their family and friends. This distress is heightened when those involved don’t understand what is happening, and what can be done to help. This brief and helpful guide outlines the symptoms, phases, causes, different types and the treatment of psychosi …
Fundamentals of Addiction
Fundamentals of Addiction is an essential reference for counsellors and a comprehensive textbook for college and university level students in courses that address addictions. Written by more than 50 experts in addiction treatment and related fields, each chapter includes case examples, practice tips and print and online resources.
This fourth editio …
La thérapie cognitivo-comportementale
La thérapie cognitivo-comportementale (TCC) est recommandée par un grand nombre de spécialistes comme traitement de premier recours en cas de dépression, d’angoisse et d’autres problèmes émotionnels. La TCC repose sur l’hypothèse selon laquelle la façon de penser peut avoir une incidence sur les problèmes émotionnels. Les personnes …
Journey to Healing
Helping to promote healing in Aboriginal people with addiction and mental health issues requires specialized knowledge and unique skills. Health, social service and justice workers must first have a grasp of history and the emotional legacy that today’s generation of Aboriginal people carry. They must also be prepared to blend Aboriginal and West …
Le double diagnostic
La publication Double diagnostic : Guide d’information a été conçue à l’intention des familles dont un membre est atteint de déficience intellectuelle. Les lecteurs trouveront des renseignements de base sur le double diagnostic et sur les divers services et formes de soutien existants ainsi que sur la meilleure façon d’y accéder. Le gu …
Saying When
People often recognize that their drinking is causing problems in their lives long before they are ready to seek help. Knowing that there is a problem can be a good first step to cutting back or quitting drinking, but it can be hard to know what further steps to take to make changes and stick to them.
Saying When presents a step-by-step program to h …
Bipolar Disorder
People who have extreme mood swings may have bipolar disorder, or manic-depressive illness. Their moods may have nothing to do with things going on in their lives. The symptoms of bipolar disorder affect not only mood, but also how people think, behave and function.
This guide discusses:
• what bipolar disorder is
• the symptoms, patterns and cau …
Le trouble bipolaire
Les sautes d’humeur extrêmes d’une personne pourraient être les manifestations d’un trouble bipolaire (ou trouble maniaco-dépressif). Ces hauts et ces bas peuvent se produire sans rapport avec ce qui arrive dans la vie de la personne. De plus, les symptômes du trouble bipolaire se répercutent sur sa façon de penser, d’agir et de se co …
C'est Assez!
p>Un grand nombre de personnes savent que leur consommation d’alcool est problématique bien avant d’être prêtes à demander de l’aide. Cette reconnaissance du problème peut être une première étape importante en vue d’arrêter de boire ou de réduire sa consommation d’alcool. Toutefois, il est parfois difficile de déterminer les au …
Dual Diagnosis
Dual Diagnosis: An Information Guide was developed for the families of people who have developmental disabilites and mental health problems. It provides basic information about dual diagnosis and explains what we know about services and supports and how best to access them. It also suggests ways to take care of yourself while caring for your family …
This recently updated guide is written for people living with depression, their families, and anyone interested in gaining a basic understanding of this illness and its treatment and management. The guide gives information on:
- what depression is and how it is diagnosed
- the different kinds of depression
- the causes and current theories of depress …
La dépression
Récemment mis à jour, ce guide a été rédigé à l’intention des personnes déprimées, de leur famille et de toute personne désireuse de se familiariser avec la maladie, son traitement et sa gestion. Le guide contient de l’information sur :
ce qu’est la dépression et comment en faire le diagnostic ;
les différents types de dépressio …
Psychiatry in Primary Care
Psychiatry in Primary Care: A Concise Canadian Pocket Guide is a comprehensive, practical resource designed to support the work of primary care providers who encounter challenging mental health problems in their daily practices.
Following a “just the pearls” approach, Psychiatry in Primary Care provides realistic, clinically-tested guidance on d …
Ce que les parents doivent savoir sur les comportements à risque des adolescents
L’adolescence est une période d’expérimentation. Pendant que vos enfants et leurs amis arrivent à l’âge où ils sont plus susceptibles d’adopter des comportements à risque comme la consommation d’alcool, le tabagisme, la prise d’autres drogues ou les jeux de hasard et d’argent, vous seriez peut-être intéressé à savoir comment …
What Parents Need to Know about Teen Risk-Taking
Adolescents are natural experimenters. As your children and their friends approach the age when they are more likely to engage in risky behaviours, such as drinking, smoking, using other drugs or gambling, you may want to know how to prevent your teen from experimenting with these activities or at least keep them to a minimum. This can be a scary t …
L’espoir et la guérison après un suicide
Quand une personne se suicide, elle laisse derrière soi sa famille et ses amis qui soudainement vivent la perte et le deuil, et se posent de nombreuses questions sur ce qui vient de se passer. Ce guide aborde un éventail d’enjeux personnels engendrés par la mort d’un suicidé tels que parler du décès, assumer le deuil, trouver le chemin de …
Hope and Healing after Suicide
When people die by suicide, they leave behind family and friends who suddenly find themselves mourning the person’s loss and wondering what happened. This guide addresses many personal issues related to a death by suicide, including telling others, working through the grief, finding what helps people to heal, and grieving in children and youth. T …
Le système ontarien de services psychiatriques medico-légaux
Les personnes ayant une maladie mentale qui ont des démêlés avec la justice ont des besoins particuliers et ni le réseau de soins en santé mentale ni l’appareil judiciaire ne peuvent subvenir à ces besoins de manière isolée. Le système de services psychiatriques médico-légaux est le point de rencontre du système de santé mentale et d …
Promoting Recovery from First Episode Psychosis
Family members can play a significant role in helping to identify early signs of psychosis, in seeking prompt and appropriate treatment for their relative, and in promoting the recovery process. Promoting Recovery from First Episode Psychosis is based on research, practice guidelines and the authors’ own experience working with clients and their …
Psychiatric Clinical Skills
Psychiatric Clinical Skills is a practical guide to engaging and assessing people who have mental health problems. Written by a team of experienced clinicians, it focuses on “what to ask” and “how to ask” and covers a wide spectrum of clinical problems and settings. It includes a chapter written from the perspective of people who live with …
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is widely recommended as a first-line treatment for a wide variety of emotional problems, including depression and anxiety. CBT works on the basic assumption that the way people think can contribute to their emotional problems. In CBT, people learn to identify, question and change patterns of thinking that contri …
Concurrent Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders
A person with a mental health problem has a higher risk of having a substance use problem, just as a person with a substance use problem has an increased chance of having a mental health problem.
This guide:
- explains the symptoms and causes of concurrent disorder
- outlines the different kinds of treatments available, including psychosocial and bio …
Written by professional counsellors, this concise and easy-to-read booklet for clients and families includes information on:
- what addiction is
- what causes addiction
- addiction treatment and other support options
- recovery and relapse prevention
- help for partners and families
- explaining addiction to children.
The guide also recommends books a …
Borderline Personality Disorder
People with borderline personality disorder (BPD) have difficulty dealing with relationships and social situations, handling emotions and thoughts, and in controlling their impulses. They may also have trouble understanding why their behaviour is causing problems. Having a family member or friend who has BPD presents unique challenges.
This booklet …
Methadone Maintenance Treatment: A Community Planning Guide
Methadone Maintenance Treatment: A Community Planning Guide is a manual offering guidance to communities on how to raise awareness of the benefits of methadone maintenance treatment and how to develop and integrate effective treatment services in their community. The manual reviews the stages of establishing a community working group, engaging the …
Methadone Maintenance Treatment: Best Practices in Case Management
Clients talk about working with case managers:
“They stick with me through thick and thin, no matter how much I’m using. They don’t give up on me.” “[People need] help with lots of things: legal issues, applying for . . . tax credits, health issues—it helps to have someone sort it out.”
“Case managers have to advocate for us with othe …
Le trouble de la personnalité limite
Une personne qui a un trouble de la personnalité a généralement de la difficulté à entretenir des relations et à faire face à des situations sociales, à composer avec ses émotions et ses pensées, à comprendre comment ou pourquoi son comportement cause des problèmes et à changer pour s’adapter à différentes situations. De leur côt …
Substance Use, Concurrent Disorders and Gambling Problems in Ontario
This book is a valuable resource for health and social service providers who are not specialists in addiction or mental health issues, but who would like to talk about these issues with clients.
Many people who come to helping professionals are struggling with a substance use, gambling or mental health problem – or more than one of these problems …
Troubles concomitants et problèmes liés à l’usage de substances et aux jeua de hasard et d'argent en Ontario
Ce guide sera très utile aux prestataires de soins de santé et de services sociaux qui ne sont pas des spécialistes en matière de toxicomanie ou de problèmes de santé mentale, mais souhaitent discuter de ces sujets avec leurs clients.
Un nombre croissant de personnes qui consultent un professionnel aidant sont aux prises non seulement avec un …
Guide à l’intention des familles sur les troubles concomitants
Les troubles concomitants de toxicomanie et de santé mentale affectent non seulement la personne atteinte, mais aussi les membres de sa famille et ses amis. Si les familles ont besoin d’aide pour gérer l’impact des troubles concomitants, ce sont néanmoins elles qui jouent un rôle clé dans la recherche d’une solution efficace. Ce guide pe …
Anxiety Disorders
This guide explores the difference between normal anxiety and anxiety disorders, and the different ways that anxiety is expressed. It explains the causes and theories of anxiety in simple, straightforward language, and gives an overview of treatments. The guide also looks at long-term strategies to manage anxiety and prevent relapse, and suggests w …
Traitement de maintien à la méthadone : Manuel du client
Rédigé en langage simple, Traitement de maintien à la méthadone : Manuel du client donne aux clients un aperçu du traitement de maintien à la méthadone. Il contient de précieux renseignements pour les personnes qui envisagent un traitement, commencent leur traitement ou le suivent à long terme, ainsi que pour leur famille et leurs amis. Ce …
Methadone Maintenance Treatment: Client Handbook
Written in plain language, Methadone Maintenance Treatment: Client Handbook gives clients an overview of methadone maintenance treatment. There is valuable information here for those thinking about methadone treatment, for the new client and the long-term client, and for families and friends. This handbook sets the record straight on length of trea …
Improving Our Response to Older Adults with Substance Use, Mental Health and Gambling Problems
Part of the CAMH Healthy Aging Project, Improving Our Response provides the information, tools and guidance that service providers need to work more effectively with older adults who may have substance use, mental health or gambling problems.
This comprehensive resource includes:
- an overview of alcohol use, anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, …
Families CARE: Helping Families Cope and Relate Effectively
Families CARE is a group-based program that helps family members Cope And Relate Effectively with the person who has a substance use problem.
The program offers education, support and skills development. Family members learn about, discuss and practise such skills as coping, grieving, dealing with emotions, solving problems, setting goals, communica …
The Forensic Mental Health System in Ontario
People who have a mental illness and who come in contact with the law have special needs. The mental health system or the criminal justice system alone cannot always meet those needs. The forensic mental health system is the place where the mental health system and the criminal justice system meet.
The forensic mental health system can be confusing …
Working with Immigrant Women
Working with Immigrant Women addresses the gap between the needs of newcomer women and established structures and practices in Canada’s mental health care system.
With an interest in changing paradigms in mental health practice, the multidisciplinary group of authors—including researchers, mental health practitioners, health promoters, community …
Exposure to Psychotropic Medications and Other Substances during Pregnancy and Lactation
A great deal of misinformation exists about women’s use of substances during pregnancy and lactation. A health care provider’s challenge is to know the true risks and bene?ts, both to the mother and to her fetus or baby, of taking versus stopping the use of a medication or other substance. Yet the average provider is not well equipped to give t …
Exposition aux psychotropes et à d’autres substances pendant la grossesse et l’allaitement
Un grand nombre de renseignements erronés circulent au sujet de la consommation de drogues et d’alcool pendant la grossesse et l’allaitement. Les fournisseurs de soins de santé ont le devoir de connaître les véritables risques et avantages, pour la mère et son bébé, de continuer ou de cesser de prendre un médicament ou une autre substan …
A Family Guide to Concurrent Disorders
Concurrent substance use and mental health problems affect the person experiencing the problems, and also his or her family members and friends. Families need help to deal with the impact of concurrent disorders, but families are also a key to finding effective solutions. This guide can help families to support their family member with concurrent d …
Poser les bonnes questions 2
Les personnes gaies, lesbiennes, bisexuelles, transgenres, transsexuelles, bispirituelles, intersexuelles et queers (LGBTTBIQ) présentent des facteurs de vie spécifiques, liés à des problèmes de toxicomanie ou de santé mentale. Ces facteurs comprennent le processus d’affirmation de leur identité, la transition sexuelle, l’oppression soci …
What Parents Need to Know about Teens
As a parent, you want practical, accurate and user friendly information to help raise your teen. You want to know what’s considered normal adolescent behaviour, how to determine whether your child is on a good path, how to encourage your teen’s healthy development, and how to get help when problems arise. What Parents Need to Know about Teens i …
Ce que les parents doivent savoir sur leurs adolescents
En tant que parent, vous recherchez de l'information pratique, précise et facile à appliquer pour vous aider à élever votre adolescente ou votre adolescent. Vous voulez savoir quels comportements sont considérés comme normaux à l'adolescence, comment déterminer si votre enfant est sur la bonne voie, comment encourager son développement sai …