
It was seven minutes after midnight on the seventh day. Whoooooooosh! A flash of light streaked the sky. A shooting star touched a strange carving on the hillside and a magical horse shook itself free of the chalk and rose to its feet. It was seven minutes after midnight on the seventh day of the seventh month. The only person watching was Chantel. No matter. It was enough. The summer of magic could begin.

"Why am I the only one who ever makes the bed?" Harriet said.
Theodora looked up.
"Because you're the only one with thumbs," she said. "See?" She held out her paws. "Bears don't have thumbs. So it's hard for us to do jobs like that."
"Penguins don't have thumbs either," Vera said. She held out one orange flipper for Harriet to see.
"Nor do sheep," Lambie said.
"Cats don't have thumbs either," Tiger said. "But that's not why we don't make beds."

Parkour is about movement, it's about making anything and everything in my path a part of my run. It's about overcoming obstacles by moving over or through them. Parkour is an attitude. Above all it's about being free.
At least, that's what Derek used to say.