New ebooks From Canadian Indies

Humorous Stories

Showing 9-16 of 131 books
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All-Season Edie

All-Season Edie

by Annabel Lyon
also available: Paperback
tagged : multigenerational, humorous stories, adolescence
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We're hot and red-faced and breathless and when we see Dexter we both start to laugh.

"You too, Dexter," Mean Megan says. "You have to dance too."

I say, "Dex too."

Maybe Dexter is too stunned to say no, because she starts making her pretty swan movements while I snap my fingers and stomp my feet and Megan grooves and swerves her head around and makes her hip-hop moves. Mom and Dad stand in the doorway of the den, watching us and saying nothing.

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by Dan Bar-el, illustrated by Graham Ross
also available: Audiobook
tagged : alphabet, humorous stories, friendship
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Alberto had an alligator, but he didn't have a bathing suit.

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Any Pet Will Do

Any Pet Will Do

by Nancy Shouse
tagged : pets, humorous stories, business, careers, occupations
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Art's Supplies

Art's Supplies

by Chris Tougas
also available: Paperback
tagged : art & architecture, imagination & play, humorous stories
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“It’s not my fault!” Art declared. “My supplies have a mind of their own!”

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Bagels on Board!

Bagels on Board!

by Joan Betty Stuchner, illustrated by Dave Whamond
also available: Paperback eBook
tagged : dogs, mysteries & detective stories, humorous stories
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Beatrice More Moves In

Beatrice More Moves In

by Alison Hughes, illustrated by Helen Flook
tagged : humorous stories, chapter books
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Bravo, Chico Canta! Bravo!

Bravo, Chico Canta! Bravo!

Spanish Edition
by Pat Mora & Libby Martinez, illustrated by Amelia Lau Carling, translated by Elena Iribarren
also available: Paperback
tagged : humorous stories, mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, etc., theater
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Bruno for Real

Bruno for Real

by Caroline Adderson, illustrated by Helen Flook
also available: Paperback
tagged : imagination & play, short stories, humorous stories
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"Where did you get that funny hat?" Mom asked him.

"I swapped for it," Bruno told her.

Dad looked proud. "Did you? What did you swap?"

"I swapped Mom."

Mom put down her fork. Her face turned white.

"Don't worry," Bruno told her. "I got you back."

Dad said, "Thank goodness! I like your mother."

"Me too," said Bruno. "I like her so much I swapped my plastic teeth to get her back again."

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