School & Education

"Michael Maxwell McCallum was Perfect Man's biggest fan. He wrote Perfect Man stories. He made a Perfect Man website. And then Perfect Man quit. Just like that."

"We're almost dinosaurs," said Sam.
"Almost twin dinosaurs." said Nate.
Then Nate and Sam decided to wear only green to school.
"Now we're really dinosaurs," said Nate.
"Pretty close," said Sam.
Then Sam and Nate decided to eat only green food like sushi, green Kool-Aid and kiwis.
"We're pretty Jurassic," said Sam.
"We're prehistoric," said Nate.

Mr. Claxton took a deep breath. "Yes, Jamie?"
Jamie was so excited, he jumped to his feet. He kept jumping. "I think we should get—"
"A shark?" Kamal asked.
Jamie's eyes widened. "How did you know?"
"Because that's all you ever talk about. Sharks this. Sharks that," said Kamal. "Don't you think about anything else?"
Jamie shrugged. "I don't want our class to get just any shark," he said. "I think we should get a great white shark."