New ebooks From Canadian Indies

School & Education

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by Kristin Butcher
also available: Hardcover Audiobook Paperback
tagged : peer pressure, school & education, hi-lo
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Chick: Lister

Chick: Lister

by Alex Van Tol
also available: Paperback
tagged : depression & mental illness, school & education, hi-lo
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Dunces Anonymous

Dunces Anonymous

by Kate Jaimet
also available: Paperback
tagged : school & education, self-esteem & self-reliance, parents
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Who would want to join a club called Dunces Anonymous? It was a dumb name. It was a dumb idea. Still, what else could he do? He needed help. Josh was in terrible trouble, and he couldn't think of a way out of it alone.

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Dunces Rock

Dunces Rock

by Kate Jaimet
also available: Paperback
tagged : music, school & education, friendship
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Ed spécial

Ed spécial

(Special Edward)
by Eric Walters
tagged : special needs, self-esteem & self-reliance, school & education
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—Tu as été accepté en édu spéciale? demande Kevin, suffoqué.
—Pas encore.

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Forensics Squad Unleashed

Forensics Squad Unleashed

by Monique Polak
also available: Paperback
tagged : mysteries & detective stories, school & education, science & technology
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In a Flash

In a Flash

by Eric Walters
also available: Hardcover Paperback
tagged : school & education, activism & social justice, hi-lo
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There was a playful combat everywhere. I didn't have time to look around, but there had to be close to a hundred people around me, yelling, laughing and swinging their pillows.

On the edges of the battle other people watched. THere were grown-ups holding their kids by the hand or loaded down with shopping bags, looking stunned or amused or confused. Some laughed and pointed, and others hurried away like they were scared. There had to be almost as many people watching as there were participating.

One of the pillows burst, and a million white feathers shot into the air like a billowing cloud! The crowd—watching and fighting—erupted into gasps and screams and laughter.

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Justine McKeen, Walk the Talk

Justine McKeen, Walk the Talk

by Sigmund Brouwer, illustrated by Dave Whamond
also available: Paperback
tagged : school & education, environment, humorous stories
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"Did you know, if nine kids walk to school all year instead of going in cars or buses, it stops over a ton of carbon dioxide from going into the air? It also saves gas. The less gas we use, the less we have to drill for oil. And that's good too. Plus, walking is healthier for kids."
"Let me guess," Safdar said. "You have a plan. Again."
"Of course I do," Justine said. "I am the Queen of Green."

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