Social Issues

It felt good to laugh with someone. Actually, it felt better than good. So probably I shouldn't wreck it by asking her if she'd done something in class…something impossible. Definitely I shouldn't. She'd just think I was nuts and that everyone was right about me.

Matt was momentarily stunned, but he bounced up quickly, wiping the trickle of blood from the side of his mouth.
One look at the hard-nosed, sneering Grant Jackson standing above him told Matt no apology was forthcoming. "Just remember, rook," Grant hissed quietly. "I'm the starting point guard on this team."

Jake woke in the middle of the night with his heart pounding. Something had startled him out of a dream. What was it?
He strained his eyes to see in the dark. A beam of moonlight shone through the skylight, allowing him to to see the outline of the other bunk bed. His younger sister Sierra's breathing was the only sound in the bunkhouse. Had he heard his parents moving around in the main cabin? He didn't think so.
Then he heard the noise again. Howling.