
This year Kate was going to have the best birthday party.
The only trouble was her parents insisted she invite her whole class...
"I can't invite Violet," said Kate. "She's so bossy, she always wants everyone to do everything her way."
"Just boss her back," said Kate's dad.
Kate sighed. That was easy for her dad to say. No one could boss Violet back. Violet always got her way.

My legs felt heavy. Now I understood why Lucy hated running. But I couldn't quit. I had to get to the finish line, and running would get me there faster.
Where were Stephanie and Emma? Probably at the finish. I pulled the corner of my shirt up to mop my face, and when I was done, I realized I was alone. Where was everyone else? Was I lost? Was I last?

DJ looked at the other boys in Cabin Six. Raj, Ernie and Andrew were sprawled on the floor, making their journals. DJ had finished his yesterday. He had also made a monkey mask, a bucket hat and a rock paperweight. He was tired of crafts.
DJ glanced at the rain-streaked window. Wait a minute. Something yellow peaked through the trees. DJ shot to his feet. "The sun's out!" he shouted.
Chris opened the door. "Look's like it's clearing up. Get your rain gear, guys. We're going for a hike."

At first, relief flooded her. Nobody in sight—just the bare gray rock gleaming in the hot sun. Then she spotted the blue canoe floating in the reeds. Before Melissa could turn around, someone waded out of the shade cast by the low boughs of a tree overhanging the water.
It was a girl in a red bathing suit, standing waist deep. She had long blond hair that hung down her back and a thin pointed face. She didn't look at all surprised to see Melissa. In fact, Melissa thought afterwards, it was as if she had expected her.