
This birthday was getting a little bit better. Brady took a big breath. If he tiptoed, he could sneak outside without anyone noticing. He turned to leave the room. A low growl sent prickles up his spine. In the shadowy hallway, a pair of white fangs gleamed. Grit was blocking the doorway.

Troy laughs. "The North Pole is a long way from here."
"Our spaceship is very fast!" Googol says.
Troy's eyes light up. "You have a spaceship?"
"It's on the roof of your house," Googolplex says.
Troy looks at Pippa. "We could go with them if they promise to have us back before dinner."

Elliot Moose jumped aboard his bright red fire truck. "Fire Chief Elliot to the rescue!" he yelled. He cranked up the siren, strapped on his helmet, and with a mighty push he rolled into the hall.
Today Elliot was a firefighter, and he felt courageous!