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Self-esteem & Self-reliance

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by Christy Goerzen
also available: Hardcover Paperback
tagged : self-esteem & self-reliance, survival stories, hi-lo
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"All of these additions, like the carved benches, the trails, the firepits," Maggie said, "were made by other Explore classes."

"You'll leave a lasting impression too," said Rick.

Chris stretched and let out a massive yawn.

"Are we keeping you up, Chris?" Maggie said.

He leaned back, arms crossed. "When does this get fun? So far this whole crock is nothing to get excited about.

Twenty Granola faces spun around and stared at Chris. It's just not worth it to lip off in Explore. I had a feeling Chris didn't care.

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Flight from Big Tangle

Flight from Big Tangle

by Anita Daher
tagged : survival stories, self-esteem & self-reliance, aviation
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"Come on Sausage!"Kaylee whistled, and patted her leg again. "Come ON Sausage!" she cried. "We've got to go NOW!"
Sausage took one step forward, then backed up, whining.
Kaylee heard a reverberating CRACK, and turned, startled. A tall, blazing tree splintered across the lane. Before Kaylee could react, the flames roared across Jack’s property, licking up and over the frame of his house.

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by Liane Shaw
also available: Paperback
tagged : orphans & foster homes, self-esteem & self-reliance
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Frappee par la foudre

Frappee par la foudre

by Deb Loughead
also available: Paperback
tagged : values & virtues, adolescence, self-esteem & self-reliance
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Mes mains se mettent à trembler, tout mon corps vibre. Et mon cœur bat à grands coups. J'ai l'impression d'avoir frôlé la mort!

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Full Court Press

Full Court Press

by Eric Walters
also available: Paperback
tagged : basketball, friendship, self-esteem & self-reliance
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I never sounded as confident as Kia did because I never felt as confident as she did. She was always that way - completely sure of success until she failed. Me, I was sort of the opposite. Completely positive it wasn't going to work out until the final moment of success. I knew that Kia was already convinced we should try out for the team, and that I was probably fighting a losing battle at this point. I just didn't know. This wasn't just the big kids at our school, but the big kids at other schools.

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Ghost Wolf

Ghost Wolf

by Karleen Bradford, illustrated by Deborah Drew-Brook & Allan Cormack
also available: Paperback
tagged : wolves & coyotes, self-esteem & self-reliance, camping & outdoor activities
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For the first time in his life, Matt knew terror. He had heard of being frozen with fear. Well, now he was. He could not move. He tried hard to see into the darkness. He tried to hear if the wolf was coming nearer. But he could see nothing. All he could hear was the sound of raindrops landing all around him. Then, right in front of him, a white form took shape.

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High and Inside

High and Inside

by Jeff Rud
also available: Paperback
tagged : friendship, self-esteem & self-reliance, basketball
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He dug in again, sinking his cleats into the soft clay of the batter's box and getting set for the next pitch. He was determined to hang in there this time and not back away, no matter what happened. White went into his long, deliberate windup. It seemed like forever, but in fact it was only a couple of seconds before the older boy uncoiled and sent the ball again in a flash toward the plate.
This time, Matt stayed in the box, swinging at the spot where he anticipated the baseball would cross. But this pitch was slightly inside. It nicked him on the index finger of his right hand and ricocheted off his cheekbone. The pain shot through his finger and the left side of his face at the same time, but Matt stayed on his feet.

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Home Team

Home Team

by Eric Walters, other primary creator Jerome Williams & Johnnie Williams III
also available: Paperback
tagged : basketball, friendship, self-esteem & self-reliance
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