Sports & Recreation

"I wonder," I said quietly, mustering every ounce of courage that I had, "whether setting a vicious dog on two young girls is the kind of dangerous act that might make a judge rethink a bail order."
Benedict slid his chair back with a squeal. "I don't have to listen to this," he said. "You girls are treading a fine line. Very fine. One little push, and who knows where you'll fall."
"Oh," I said, "don't worry about us. We're cheerleaders. We have very good balance."

In tae kwon do, I love it when I take a kick to the head, or when some guy punches me in the chest. When I can take some other guy's hit, it makes me feel tough. But there are always moves I stop myself from using, because they are frowned upon in my sport. Tonight I am free to win any way I can. With any move I see open to me.

I never sounded as confident as Kia did because I never felt as confident as she did. She was always that way - completely sure of success until she failed. Me, I was sort of the opposite. Completely positive it wasn't going to work out until the final moment of success. I knew that Kia was already convinced we should try out for the team, and that I was probably fighting a losing battle at this point. I just didn't know. This wasn't just the big kids at our school, but the big kids at other schools.

For the first time in his life, Matt knew terror. He had heard of being frozen with fear. Well, now he was. He could not move. He tried hard to see into the darkness. He tried to hear if the wolf was coming nearer. But he could see nothing. All he could hear was the sound of raindrops landing all around him. Then, right in front of him, a white form took shape.