
"You can't threaten me," I countered, my knees quivering with fear. "I'll tell whoever I want about this and you can't stop me."
"Oh, can't I? Your Grandpa's having a hard time scraping money to keep that ranch running, isn't he? How would it be if things got just a little bit harder? You wouldn't want ole' Granddad to lose the farm, now would you?"
"You couldn't do that," I whispered.
"Try me," Bellamy said, his eyes glittering like a snake's.

I noticed a few cockroaches crawling near Jason's skates. He stepped on one of them, popping it like a cherry tomato. Bug juice sprayed.
A single cockroach dropped from the shoulder pads and landed between his skates.

All I did was ask what he'd given the horse. I didn't say the words illegal doping. I didn't say anything about cheating. I asked a simple question. What did you just give the horse?