Winter Sports

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Tommy looked almost as scared as when they were trapped in Smuggler's Cave last fall. "All right," he said.
Jake and Lexie high-fived each other.
"But you have to go slow," said Tommy. "And wait for me if I get tired."
"Don't worry, Tommy," said Lexie. "We won't let anything happen to you." She grinned. "Wildcat Run, here we come."

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Halfway down the run I knew I was skiing the best I ever had. If I kept pushing, I would easily stay at number one.
Beneath my helmet, I grinned my grin of fear. And as I cut into a steep turn, I saw it. But couldn't believe it.
Wire. Black wire stretched between two trees at waist height. I was flashing toward it at thirty meters per second. Hitting the wire at that speed would slice me in two.