Law & Crime

From behind the mirrored lenses of my sunglasses, I snuck yet another peek at the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.
Her wet hair was slicked back from her face, a white towel was draped across her tanned shoulders, and her long bare legs were stretched out in front of her. Whoever she was, she was breathtaking. And there she was, in a red bikini, sitting three plastic lounge chairs away from me.

Miré en dirección al mostrador y vi a un policía parado de espaldas a mí.
Me quedé sin aire y las piernas no me respondían. El policía dio media vuelta y ya no tuve dónde esconderme. Apreté a Briana contra mi pecho. Era mía y de nadie más. No iba a dejar que me la quitaran.

I ran blindly into the store, sliding in my greasy shoes, knocking cans onto the floor, ramming into shelves. I fumbled for the phone. I picked up the receiver. I could feel Devin right behind me.
I dialed nine, one..
His hand slammed the phone down.
"I hoped it wouldn't come to this," he said.

A mucha gente le cuesta creer que Jojo haya vuelto al vecindario. Hay todavía más gente que no quiere tenerlo cerca.