Mysteries & Detective Stories

Bleddyn sloshed the contents along the house wall at the back of the lean-to, coating the lower five feet of shakes so that the excess fluid pooled along the whole length of the concrete floor.
Then he took out his cigarette lighter.

Cuando agarro mi guitarra y paso mis dedos por las cuerdas y el primer arpegio sale con toda su fuerza por el amplificador, todo desaparece y lo único que importa es la música.

There's a masked man in the store, and it isn't Halloween.
I duck down again—fast.
I hear someone say, "This is a stickup." It's the guy in the mask. He has a weird voice, like it's not a normal voice. He says, "Is there anyone else in the store?"
That tells me that the masked man hasn't seen me.
"No," my dad says without even a second's hesitation.