Sports & Recreation

What happens between you and me stays here. It's nobody's business but ours."
"But isn't using steroids sort of like cheating?" I asked.
"It would be if you were the only one doing it. Half the kids on the line who are standing across from you, trying to block you, are on the juice. We're just trying to give you what you need to even up the score.

—Ce que tu en penses m'est égal. J'ai vu un taureau tuer mon mari et il n'est pas question que je risque d'en voir un tuer mon fils aussi.

She opened it and sprinkled something onto a hand mirror. A pure white powder. She divided it in half, stuck a short straw up one nostril and snorted the powder.
"Cocaine?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said, "it's way better than beer. Try some." She pushed it towards me. "Go on, it won't hurt you."
I should have said no. But I just stared at that innocent-looking white powder and said nothing.