Social Themes

—Lo único que digo—continuó Wally—es que si le bajaras un poco a la velocidad, sólo un poco, podrías hacer el salto y evitarte las heridas.
—Yo siempre hago los saltos—discutí.
—¿De qué estás hablando?
—Yo hago bien los saltos. Lo que no me sale es el aterrizaje.

Yes, that is the problem. That's the only problem. I want my mom back. I want her to knock at my bedroom door and come walking in. I want her to tell me to get my homework done. I want to go with her for a walk in the canyon, up the old logging trails where every step on the thick forest floor is a new adventure. Sometimes I get so, so mad at her for doing this to me.

I'm suddenly mad at him. Mad at him for drinking. Mad at him for smoking. Mad at him for taking off on me. Mad at him for not being my father.

There are a lot of people who can't believe that Jojo has the nerve to come back to our neighborhood. There are more people who don't want him around. Things haven't exactly been peaceful since he went away. Things are never peaceful in my neighborhood. But at least people haven't worried about Jojo for the past two years.