
There are a lot of people who can't believe that Jojo has the nerve to come back to our neighborhood. There are more people who don't want him around. Things haven't exactly been peaceful since he went away. Things are never peaceful in my neighborhood. But at least people haven't worried about Jojo for the past two years.

The war between the States has only been over for two months, and the roads and rivers are clogged with men traveling in all directions. Most of them will make it home one way or another. That's the easy part. It's what you bring home inside your head that's the problem.

When James and the rest of them talk about the other guys, their faces get all twisted so that they don't even look like themselves. I wonder if I looked like that when I beat up that guy. I sure was mad enough.

A mucha gente le cuesta creer que Jojo haya vuelto al vecindario. Hay todavía más gente que no quiere tenerlo cerca.

El policía se sacó algo del bolsillo. Era una fotografía.
—¿Lo reconoces, Josh?"
No podía creerlo. Me la quedé mirando fijimente.
Andrew también la miró. Después de unos segundos dijo:
—Parece el garrote que papá te dio.
—¿No son ésas tus iniciales, Josh? —preguntó la mujer policía.
Contesté que sí con la cabenza.
—Fue con esto con lo que golpearon a Scott. Lo tenemos en la estación de policía, Josh. Además de tus iniciales, tiene tus huellas digitales.