Death & Dying

—Ce que tu en penses m'est égal. J'ai vu un taureau tuer mon mari et il n'est pas question que je risque d'en voir un tuer mon fils aussi.

After my brother died, my dad said the nightmares—the ghosts—were all in my mind. That they couldn't hurt me. Turns out he was wrong.

"First dead person, kid?" John says as he pulls the ambulance into traffic.
I decide not to answer him, because I don’t want to get into it. I eye Holly, but she's not answering for me. How much does she know?

I glance in the rearview mirror to check Cody's position. My heart drops into my shoes. Flashing red and blue.I watch in horror as the police cruiser tears out of the ditch in a spray of rocks and dirt. Instinctively, I downshift and jam the pedal to the floor.

The steel bar swings again, thudding against Darius's back. Darius makes a whooshing noise, that's all.

My mother might be dead, but she was still my mother. I knew that, even if my dad seemed to have forgotten.